Throughout the month of July we will be sharing all of the stories submitted by our senior clients describing what “Living Your Best Life” means to them. We ran this campaign during Seniors’ Month (June) to engage and encourage seniors to express their thoughts. Seniors bring diverse life experiences and perspectives in which we can all learn from.
The first story we shared was from Eileen, a woman 88 years young, who attends our Seniors’ Lunch Program twice a week. You can read her story here.
Our next story was submitted by Harold, a vibrant 93 year old gentleman, who also attends one of our weekly Lunch Programs.
“Living Your Best Life” by Harold:
Let me tell you about my life. I was in World War 2 as a registered pilot and member of the British army intelligence corp. After the war ended, I joined the British Cooperative Movement and became a Manager and Chairman of the Local Education Committee.
I immigrated to Canada in 1971, retired in 1990 and moved to a retirement home in Weston, Ontario in 2000. I got involved with social events in my building and have been the President of the Social Committee for the last 12 years. I exercise twice a week and teach yoga once a week. For the last 7 years, I have organized a yearly concert raising over $40,000 for our local United Church.
I have also written a book about my life and now that I have reached the age of 93, I am wondering what else I could do.