New Year’s Greeting from our CEO


January 2023

Dear Friends,

I am writing today, on behalf of the Board and staff at ESS Support Services, to wish you and your dear ones a very happy, healthy and fulfilling New Year.

This note should have been sent prior to Christmas, but I contracted COVID in mid-December.  As a result, many of my great intentions – including the hope to send out a Christmas message – were sidetracked.  My personal COVID experience was shocking. Everyone needs to remain alert to the ongoing risk of infection.  Hopefully this sad reality will dissipate in 2023.

Non-profit agencies like ESS survive and flourish on the basis of the support received from its partners and community friends.  2022 was a stellar year for us in this respect. The support we received from our volunteers was astonishing, especially in light of the continuing threat of COVID and diminished numbers willing to volunteer across society.  You continued to stand by us and bring your invaluable gifts of time and talents.

We also benefited from the donations we received through our fund development activities, such as our Direct Mail campaigns, Give65 and Giving Tuesday events, as well as special gifts from families in honour of their loved ones.

ESS is looking forward to a very exciting year ahead, building on our accomplishments in 2022, including the achievement of Accreditation with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada this past October.

This review involved a detailed on-site evaluation by third-party experts, of our performance against extremely rigorous national home and community care standards. We were both humbled and proud of the rarely given 100% score, which reflected their assessment of our Board, Management team and front-line staff, based on client, caregiver and community partners’ feedback.

Nothing stays still.  2023 will bring new opportunities and challenges.  Among our many objectives, we want to better understand the fabric of our community, and find ways to connect with, and serve, those who may not be familiar with the kinds of supports we  provide to seniors in every neighbourhood.

Of special concern is the need to raise awareness among newcomers to Canada, especially senior refugees who have arrived as a result of the trauma of war and persecution.  Reaching these folks will best be achieved by working in partnership with established agencies to complement the supports and services already in place.  If you have contact with newcomers in need, your help in connecting them to us would be so appreciated.

In closing, once again, everyone at ESS wishes you a very happy New Year – full of all the things that bring you joy.

Warmest wishes,



Alison Coke, CEO

ESS Support Services

Alison Coke ESS Support Services CEO

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