Season’s Greetings from ESS

Dear Friends,

As I write this note, news of the rapidly rising rates of infection due to the latest COVID-19 variant is blasting from every radio station, newspaper and television screen. It is hard not to feel discouraged.

As they broadcast this news, many of these same sources have been asking people to share their coping strategies. I have heard many good suggestions, but the one that made most sense to me was to try to notice those moments when you feel calm and happy and remember to savor these.  We at ESS all wish you many such moments over the coming weeks and year.

While there were a lot of challenges this year, ESS kept busy by shifting to new ways of operating, such as our ongoing calls to clients to stay connected and hear of their needs and issues. We also set up a number of food security initiatives and virtual programs, as well as arranged and managed several vaccine clinics with the help of local hospitals.  Like a revolving door we opened, closed and reopened several of our Adult Day Programs.

There is no doubt the need to stay creative and careful will continue to be critical for our activities in 2022.  We would welcome suggestions from anyone in the community on emerging or new pressures you see seniors, adults with disabilities and their caregivers facing, and your ideas on how ESS might be able to help.

As we have throughout 2021, our caregiver support group, friendly visiting, virtual adult day and health and wellness activities will continue over the holiday season and into the new year. Our in-home and overnight respite care activities, assisted living supports and transportation programs, will continue as well.

As we receive updates that we believe will be important for the community to be aware of, our website will also be updated.

Again, our Board and all of our staff team, wish you the very best of the season and a happy and safe new year.



Alison Coke, CEO, ESS Support Services

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